Leading Expert, Expert committee
President, Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute, Paris, France,
Leading Expert of International Green Model City Standards 3.0
Serge Salat is an urban planner, a scientist in the science of complexity, an art historian and an internationally recognized architect/artist. He is the founder and President of the Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute based in Paris.With extensive high-level policy dialogue experience and 30-year planning experience of actual projects including eco-cities, Mr. Serge Salat is internationally recognized as a central global figure in urban morphology and complexity science. He is a leading expert in the relationship between urban forms, energy, and GHG emissions, and a leading expert in spatial economics. The involvement of the author in policy making at the highest level both in China and in International Organizations such as United Nations and World Bank, as well as his practical experience of planner, ensure the IGMC standards 3.0 are designed as a positive and practical tool both to support United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Habitat III urbanization principles and contribute to Chinese new urbanization wave for the next 20 years.
Mr. Serge Salat is a practicing architect, urban planner and designer, and an urban economist. He advises cities and leading international institutions in the field of urban planning, Transit-Oriented Development, urban policy, and urban economic growth, including the United Nations (UNEP and UN Habitat), The World Bank, IPCC, GEF, CDC and AFD. He is a panel member of the United Nations International Resources Panel. He advises the GEF and World Bank Global Platform on Sustainable Cities. He has contributed his strategic urban knowledge to many flagship World Bank and United Nations reports, including some important projects in China, such as “Shanghai 2050” and “Chongqing 2040” .
Besides 60 research papers, he is the author of four major books on sustainable urbanization. He holds 3 PhDs: in economics, in architecture, and in history of civilizations. He has received in 2017, in New York, the Global Human Settlements Outstanding Contribution Award, for his contribution in sustainable planning.